Oh, right. I should maybe introduce myself. I'm arduous. That's me and this is my blog. Moving on.
NYAQ (Not Yet Asked Questions)
Q: Arduous? That's an ... interesting name.
A: Thanks! My dad named me!
Q: Wait so it's your given name?
A: Well ... yes, in that it was given to me. I mean, it's not the name on my birth certificate. But it is pretty much all he ever called me.
Q: Why on earth would he call you 'arduous?'
A: Because it's the word I missed in the fourth grade spelling bee.
Q: Really?
A: Basically, yeah. Well, and also, because I can be a difficult person (see my profile.) And also because arduous sounds a little like an iteration of my birth name. But it never would have happened if it weren't for that bee.
Q: Does your dad still call you 'arduous?'
A: Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago. That's kind of why I'm using it here. Names fade away if they're never used, and ... I don't want this name to fade away.
Q: I'm sorry.
A: Hey, as my dad, would say, LILT.
A: Life Is Like That.
Q: He sounds great. Hey one more thing?
A: Hmmm?
Q: The picture?
A: I know, right! Can you believe that I am NOT an artist?
Q: It kind of sucks. Even for a stick figure.
A: Shut up.
Ahhh, that is really sweet. I always loved your blog name. I love that you hang on to a piece of your dad and the nickname through this.
Funny how one always has an imagine inside their head of their blogger friends. I didn't picture you wearing a skirt but I pretty much pictured you like this.
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