microfibre is pretty good, although I find sometimes a run under a stream of hot water with a tiny tiny little bit of detergent if you're dealing with built up finger-marks (I always try to rub my eyes through my glasses when studying...fail) - just rub it gently.
An optometrist of mine recommended just plain hand soap and water, making sure all the dirt is washed off before drying them off. I don't do it that often because I usually wear contacts during the day and glasses only in the mornings and at night but it still does the trick.
I just breath on my glasses and wipe off with my t-shirt. LOL Some batchelor ways never change!
Agreed. Microfiber or microfiber with water here too. (Note: this is a different type of microfiber than I use to say wash my mirrors.)
What Rob said but I do agree with JAM - microfiber cloths are great!
I've been wearing glasses for 42 years now and I still hate them but can't do without them either.
viv in nz
microfibre is pretty good, although I find sometimes a run under a stream of hot water with a tiny tiny little bit of detergent if you're dealing with built up finger-marks (I always try to rub my eyes through my glasses when studying...fail) - just rub it gently.
An optometrist of mine recommended just plain hand soap and water, making sure all the dirt is washed off before drying them off. I don't do it that often because I usually wear contacts during the day and glasses only in the mornings and at night but it still does the trick.
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