Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pavlov at Work

Yesterday, I was walking to a yoga class when I saw a bus roll by, and I had to fight the urge to run like a crazy person to catch it.


Mad Hatter said...

Hey, who needs yoga when you can get a full workout chasing buses?! :-)

Green Bean said...

hilarous! I guess it just goes to show that the changes we all make are really just adjusting to a new normal. Sounds like you've adjusted . . . and then some.

Unknown said...

Arduous, you totally put me in shame. Last Friday, I went to San Francisco for a conference. With the full intention of taking the train and navigating the muni-system, I backed out the last minute. The conference started at 7:30am. Taking the train and then the bus(es) would have gotten me up at 5:30. But driving directly there would give me 45 minutes of more sleep. And I opted for more sleep. Now I am embarrassed. I could have been a lot more organized and gone to bed early or something. Next time.

Anonymous said...

Public Transit + Arduous 4EVER!