I realized the other day when I got a Facebook message from someone saying that they were sorry that 2009 wasn't going that well for me that I have been doing a little too much whining lately.
The truth is that as much as I might bitch and moan, I also wake up every day so thankful to be studying exactly what I want to study at the perfect university for me.
It's weird. When I applied to grad schools, I expected to get into one place ... maybe. After all, what did I have to offer? I had a BA in drama, and seven years of entertainment industry experience. I had nothing relevant to offer.
Instead, I ended up with multiple options, including options that I had thought I'd never have in a million years. And so began a month of agonizing between my current university and an equally good university in DC.
And boy did I agonize. And when I finally made my decision, I was still unsure it was the right one. Even a week before I started school, I had a moment of "Oh my God, why didn't I just move to DC?! At least I wouldn't have to set up a new bank account!" The day before classes started, I was still worried that this program wasn't going to be the right fit for me. That the classes weren't going to be what I wanted.
Well, they were. In fact, they are exactly what I wanted and more. My brain has been stretched in ways I didn't even know it was possible for my brain to stretch. I have learned so much, and what's more, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning. As much as I do think that what I'm learning will be important in whatever career I choose, I feel like right now I'm learning simply for the sake of gaining knowledge.
And it's pretty cool.
1 year ago
Cool chirpy post to wake up to - ta very much like!
Yay, I'm glad you're seeing the bright side of things! And that this post reappeared after popping up in Google Reader yesterday, but then disappearing...
I for one don't mind seeing the "complaining" posts. There are problems in the world, and we certainly can't fix them if we don't know what they are. And sometimes it's just nice to comisserate with like minded people.
Heh, yeah I accidentally published it before I intended to, so I had to delete it and then put it back up!!
I still think your British system of marking is disheartening though. :)But I'm trying not to think about marks.
What, you mean the way that no-one ever gets more than 75% on anything? That's the way my undergrad course was marked, anyway... they had official guidelines on what quality of answer got you what mark, and to get >70% (i.e. a first class degree) you had to display independent thought, critical thinking, extensive reading beyond the course material, the list went on and on and on.
I graduated top of my class - with an overall grade of 72%. Only 3 (out of 60) of us got a first.
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. The worst is when you slave and slave away at a paper, only to get a 69!!
you might want to re-word that comment ;)
Ruchi, I'm so impressed with what you are doing and glad that you're enjoying it, difficult as it might be. I've thought of going back to school and just didn't think I had it in me. Sometimes I wonder how I ever managed to graduate from college. With almost all A's.
I want to go back to school! Would be neat. I wish that my chosen career would reward a master's... it would only be for me, though.
Yup, that is indeed very very cool to have the chance to to learn for the love of it. I remember that feeling from my very first year of grad school... before I got all jaded and bitter-ha ha!=)
Seriously, that is wonderful. I'm so glad you feel that you made the right decision.
And Cath, you have a dirty mind (if I am reading your comment right =) )
By the way, Arduous, I'll be sending you interview questions soon!
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