Thursday, September 4, 2008


In London. Leaving tomorrow for India. 

Will update soon. But don't forget, your posts on affluence are due by Sep 10th for the APLS Carnival! So don't be a slacker like me. Start writing!


Unknown said...

Ah! I was just wondering where you were. Have a great trip!

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Dude, was London that bad that you had to leave again immediately? :-)

ruchi said...

Yes, sorry I didn't put out my reminder earlier. The whole moving continents thing is my excuse! ;)

Cath, heh, well it WAS raining!! :)

Burbanmom said...

Have a great trip!

ruchi said...


hgg said...

Exciting. Enjoy!

Bobbi said...

Post some photos from India. I'm jealous. I LOVE Indian food.

Green Bean said...

Whoops! That showed up from APLS. It was supposed to be from me, GB. No, I wasn't wondering about putting out the reminder. Just wondering where my little Arduous is. Have a wonderful wonderful time. Miss having you on this continent already.

Pip said...

The exciting voyage has begun! Enjoy - I look forward to hearing about your change in scenary.

Anonymous said...

Hi friend,you are so exceptional !!!!Because you have drawn your full attention on your article about economic disparity between the haves and the have-nots . There are a small number of tourists ,who fell really sympathetic about the poor Indian people ,because most of the tourist is interested to watch the beauty of INDIA.Your article is too much apprisiatable for those people who really want to do for such a people