Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Think I'm Going To Cry

The other day my sink threw up because someone in the building doesn't know how to use their garbage disposal, and I guess water drifted under the carpet. I did not notice this until today when I was trying to stuff a pair of sneakers in my packed suitcase and noticed my bag was wet. Then I opened my bag and the clothes all smelled moldy. 

So now, I have to fucking wash all the clothes in my suitcase, and then fold them and repack them. 



Anonymous said...

I am sorry. Terrible things happen when you least want them to happen. Isn't it always the case!

Sigh. Keep your eyes on the day you are landing in a new country. How exciting that will be!

Melissa said...

that does suck. why is the concept of how to use a garbage disposal so complicated for people to grasp? hang in there.

Burbanmom said...


But guess what?

::singing and happy-dancing:: You're going to London, You're going to London, You're going to London

Ooops. Sympathy lost.

EcoBurban said...

Oh, crap. That stinks. Literally. Just think, in a short while it will be a fish and chips and beer and all this crapola will be a distant memory!

Unknown said...

So sorry! What a crappy thing to happen just before you're ready to leave.:(

Natalie said...

That's it! I'm buying a ticket - and some offsets - and coming to help. But my kids would have to come. And they can destroy anything, rendering the remainder of your stuff broken and *completely* valueless even to a charity. Okay, so not the best idea I've had all day.

Heavy sigh. I'll just send you a hug...

ScienceMama said...

I think we should ban water in all living spaces. Water is too sneaky. It can't be trusted.

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Oh no! Just what you don't need right now. Curses to your neighbour.

EJ said...

Bet to find out than unpacking rotten , favorite clothes in London!

Isn't it funny how somewhere else always seems o interesting? I'm sure there are peole in London who would give anything to be going to LA!

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Yeah, like the Beckhams... you're welcome to her, but can you send David back please? My team could use his services...

Anonymous said...

ooh, that totally sucks!! i hope nothing got ruined =(

The bean-mom said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the clothes are okay!