Anyway, nylon scrubbies sort of fall into that gray area for me where they're clearly durable items, so I can't really buy them new, but they're also not the sort of thing I can buy used. So, I've been doing without, which has kind of been a pain, but became even more of a pain when my dishwasher broke.
Enter Chile the Genius and her re-thinking it challenge.

This WAS the bag that held my delicious California clementines. It's now my new nylon scrubby. I'm very proud.
Nice one, arduous! I'm still using up my pre-Compact days scrubbies but I'll save my mesh bags for the same thing. Who knew!?! Chile rocks at the repurposing thing. And I'm with you on ogling the scrubbies and other kitchen goodies. It's pretty pathetic what months of not spending will do to ya.
Great idea! I've been saving my clemetine bags for produce bags for buying produce in at the store... but there will soon be a point at which I have more than I need... and I DON"T have a nylon scrubby! I might have to repurpose one from the produce bag collection. :)
Sheesh, nice nails.
Wow, what a great idea! Very creative!
I TOTALLY save onion and clementine bags to use as scrubbies! But those green pads are great. I'm not surprised you were oogling them.
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