I have eaten foods involving bacon for three meals straight. Lunch? Also involves bacon? Dinner? If you guessed, bacon, it's what's for dinner you would be correct.
See, once upon a time I threw a party and Honda brought bacon as part of a bacon-wrapped dates appetizer. Except that she bought too much bacon so after the party was over there was a whole packet of bacon leftover. Which Honda left in my fridge.
Where it stayed.
For days. And weeks. And weeks.
And finally the other day I looked in my fridge and realized that my bacon was about to expire!!
"Oh no!" I cried. "Crunchy Chicken will flay/filet me if she finds out I threw away an ENTIRE packet of bacon!"
And so it was that I set into the kitchen and started making use of the bacon. And then I did eat said bacon.
And the first bacon dish was delicious.
And the second bacon dish was too.
But by the third bacon dish, I wondered if I could *hear* my arteries clogging up.
So I packed up my turkey bacon chili and started to hand servings out willy nilly to any and all takers.
The moral of the story is: don't wait until the day before your food expires to cook it.
The end.
2 years ago
At least bacon is sooo yummy. I don't eat much meat, but I'm a sucker for bacon. good thing I don't encounter it very often.
Chile, what can I say? Sometimes I am lacking in common sense. It didn't occur to me until I was in the middle of cooking that I could have just frozen the bacon. :\
I second Chile's freezer suggestion. I think that perhaps, deep down, you just actually wanted all that bacon.
Should I send you my RoadRunner showerhead to flay you on my behalf?
Ha, ha, well Crunchy, I do have a low flow showerhead, but I guess after losing all sense like that, I probably do deserve it! ;)
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