If you want to participate in my armchair activism challenge, the great Green Bean kindly made me a little doodad to add to your homepage!
Apparently, Blogger has now made it super easy to add little images to your sidebar, so you just have to download the image to your hard drive, and then upload it using the "picture" gadget. Easy peasy, no coding necessary. If you are interested in participating, let me know. Let's do our best to bring environmental issues to the forefront!
Yes, but my question still stands -- *where* do we send our e-mails?
Armchair Activism for All. I think that's a great slogan.
Stephanie, I think unfortunately for Obama, you are stuck with the comment form you didn't like (I don't like it either much, but there doesn't seem to be any option. You can access it here.
For McCain, the comment form is here.
If you hate the comment forms, you can also write Obama a letter by mail (the campaign has one up in the Contacts.) Or instead of targeting the campaign, you could target the media, and try and get them to ask some questions at the debate relating to environmental issues....
D'oh! For some reason my html isn't working
Here are the web addresses for the comment forms:
Cute doodad! But it reminded me that -- oops! -- I'm a sleeping armchair activist! I haven't sent any emails, yet!
Thanks for the links to the comment forms. That will get me going. :)
I shot off one to Obama about this clean coal bs a couple days ago. Better do it again. Email makes it SO easy.
Hello! I want to participate! I'm putting the picture on my blog right now.
Donna, I've been bad too. I haven't yet sent out my emails for this week, though I will! I will! I've just been a little busy what with the moving and stuff! :)
GB, hey would you mind giving us all the text of your email? Maybe that would help people who haven't sent one figure out what to say!
Crickcracka, welcome!
Hi. I've been out of the loop because Feedblitz stopped working for me for 2 weeks and I didn't get any of my blog subscription updates. So tell me, what is the Armchair Activism Challenge? I wanna do it. I probably already do.
FPF, I bet you do! This Armchair Activism challenge is primarily focused on emailing the presidential candidates once a week in the hopes of getting them to talk more about environmental issues, but I think really any political action qualifies if you want to join in.
Woo hoo! I finally sent my first e-mail!!
... Wow, time has REALLY run away from me.
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