Monday, July 7, 2008


Sheesh, is the weekend already over? I'm still recovering from my vacation. I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday (or just a nice weekend if you're not an American) and I'll be back with a proper post tomorrow. Sorry all. Happy Monday?


ruchi said...

Chile, I don't feel guilty per se, but I do try to post every weekday, and when I don't, I just like to let people know more as a courtesy. Don't worry. I'm not sitting here beating myself up for not getting a post up today. I am sorry I didn't take you on vacation, but I hitched a ride with my uncle and aunt and cousins, so it was five of us in a van plus a dog. I don't know if we could have added another!! :) Hope you had a nice 4th anyway.

Joyce said...

Arduous, we used to call vacations like that "clown car" vacations, because when the door of the van opened, people just kept coming out! Hope you had fun!

EcoBurban said...

Isn't that the idea of vacation? No responsibilities, no regrets, no worries? I have one coming up soon myself and I can't wait!

Crunchy Chicken said...

Goddamn, you bitch! I can't believe you are leaving us in the lurch like this. WTF is wrong with you? Don't you know we shall all go through painful, dare I say, arduous, withdrawals?

I swear, if this happens again I'm taking you off my blog list. All I can say is this: tomorrow's post better be good.

Anonymous said...

Taking the day off

Yep... this is what you wrote on July 4th. "The" as in "one". Oh look, what day is today ? The seventh ! That is a whopping three days that you took off, young lady ! I mean, hello ? I have been glued to the screen thinking "she can't do this to me... she's gonna have to post, at some point...".

You really thought you could get away with that, didn't you ? DIDN'T YOU ? Well, no, ma'am... nuh-huh... You're soooo gonna have to make it up to all of us...

ruchi said...

Joyce, that's funny! We later drove up to San Francisco for a day, 7 of us in one car!

EBM, yes, hooray for vacations! Have fun on yours.

What can I do to win back your approval, Oh Crunchy One? I bow my head and await your verdict.

Okham, I am sorry, but maybe you should get one of them new-fangled things that tells you when I update so you don't have to sit at your computer all day hitting refresh? I will try and make it up to you tomorrow.