Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Can Has Vacashun?

Hi all, just wanted to let you know I'm in the Bay Area for the next few days attending a wedding, spending time with my mom, seeing various friends, and meeting up with a few bloggers!

So I probably won't be posting until Wednesday or Thursday. Have a great weekend, and when I come back I'll be able to give you the scoop on some of the bloggers I met. You know, answering your questions like, " Is Green Bean REALLY a bean?" (I think she might secretly be a root vegetable.)


hgg said...

have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip :-)

Mad Hatter said...

Have a great trip! Definitely looking forward to reading about your blogger meet-up!

EcoBurban said...

Ooh, I can't wait to hear all the good dirt and gossip about the other bloggers. I'm afraid the great green bean will be more of a "Vegetannual" though... she's got some gardening skills! Have a great time!

Green Bean said...

I most certainly am not a root vegetable. I do like EBM's thought that I might be a Vegentannual. That is a bit more flattering.

Jennifer said...

Have fun!

Charles said...

Hey there, welcome to NorCal! hope you have a great time. If you need mass transit info, you know where to find me.

anushka said...

Have a great trip..